Introducing Q-Avery Consulting, a Quintessential Experience

Supporting First Responders, Who Protect and Serve Our Communities


Our Background

Q-Avery Consulting specializes in supporting first responders. This firm has worked collaboratively with over 100 first responder agencies across the United States, primarily North Carolina. Thirteen years of experience include working with police officers, detention officers, 911 dispatchers, paramedics, state troopers and fire fighters. With over 2,080 hours of training, having trained well over 1500 individuals, Q-Avery Consulting has developed a passion for empowering those who risk their lives and well-being on a consistent basis to protect and serve our communities.



Leadership and Wellness

By the nature of the job, we see every first responder as a leader. Although, title and rank have an impact on the level of responsibility; first responder means, “Someone trained to respond to an emergency.” Q-Avery Consulting fully embraces leadership and wellness going hand in hand. Like a glove they complement one another. To be an effective leader, it requires being mentally well.



Focus on First Responders

We live during times where those in helping professions have high demands and stressful work environments. Essential workers, like first responders, are routinely expected to do more with less. First responders are often neglected and neglectful of their personal well-being. With a background in Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, Substance Use & Addiction, and Leadership, Q-Avery Consulting is dedicated to enhancing the first responder’s tool box.

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Quintessential Services

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Wellness Workshops

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Leadership Workshops

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Pain Relief

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A message to the first responder community…

If we are honest, we recognize first responders are expected to be all things, to all people, at all times. Q-Avery Consulting acknowledges those unrealistic expectations. It is okay to take care of yourself, in order to be better prepared to take care of your community. Our consulting philosophy takes the position of putting your "oxygen mask," on first. We are interested in your needs, interest, and abilities. Most importantly we want you to know, you are not alone!

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“I appreciate all the time and effort that LaShay put in the CIT training for our agency and region. Her hard work made the program a success and now this agency uses the training every day. We have the largest number of CIT trained officers in the state and that is largely due to her relentless effort.”